Clouds in his head

An intelligent French person with a good knowledge of English is nevertheless likely to run into problems when listening to Donald Trump and trying to translate his words into French. He’s a bit like the Brexit. People look at what happened, but they don’t really believe that it should have happened. They ask: “Was it really intended that this Trump fellow would be brought into the office of the presidency of the greatest nation in the world, or has there been some kind of a misunderstanding?

A translator said: “Trump’s vocabulary is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over, forcing the translator to follow suit. It’s as if he had thematic clouds in his head that he would pick from with no need of a logical thread to link them.

We stare in amazement at this clown and ask: “Who brung him?” It’s as if somebody left a door open, and this weird fellow simply walked in off the street.


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